ESET ESET Endpoint Antivirus for Linux
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ESET's state-of-the-art scanning engine has unsurpassed scanning speed and detection rates combined with a tiny footprint that makes ESET Endpoint Antivirus for Linux the ideal choice for any Linux desktop meeting the system requirements.
The On-demand scanner and On-access scanner cover the main functionality.
The On-demand scanner can be started by a privileged user (usually a system administrator) through the command-line interface, ESET PROTECT, or by the operating system's automatic scheduling tool (for example, cron). The term On-demand refers to file system objects being scanned by either user or system demand.
The On-access scanner is invoked by any attempt to access file system objects.
Endpoint Protection
- Antivirus and Antispyware
Eliminates all types of threats, including viruses, rootkits, worms and spyware.
Optional cloud-powered scanning: Whitelisting of safe files based on file reputation database in the cloud for better detection and faster scanning.
Only information about executable and archive files is sent to the cloud – such data are not personally attributable. - Virtualization Support
ESET Shared Local Cache stores metadata about already scanned files within the virtual environment so same files are not scanned again resulting in boosted scan speed.
ESET module updates and virus signatures database are stored outside of the default location, thus these don’t have to be downloaded every time after the virtual machine is reverted to default snapshot. - Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS)
Enables you to define rules for system registry, processes, applications and files.
Provides tampering protection and detects threats based on system behavior. - Exploit Blocker
Strengthens security of applications on users’ systems, such as web browsers, PDF readers, email client or MS office components, which are commonly exploited.
Monitors process behaviors and looks for suspicious activities typical of exploits.
Strengthens protection against targeted attacks and previously unknown exploits, i.e. zero-day attacks. - Advanced Memory Scanner
Monitors the behavior of malicious processes and scans them once they decloak in the memory. This allows for effective infection prevention even from heavily obfuscated malware. - Cross-Platform Protection
ESET security solutions for Windows are capable of detecting Mac OS threats and vice-versa, delivering better protection in multi-platform environments.
Data Access Protection
- Anti-Phishing
Protects end users from attempts by fake websites masquerading as trustworthy ones to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords or banking and credit card details. - Device Control
Blocks unauthorized devices (CDs/DVDs and USBs) from your system.
Enables you to create rules for user groups to comply with your company policies.
Soft blocking notifies the end user his device is blocked and gives him the option to access the device, with activity logged.
Scanning and Update Options
- Idle-State Scanner
Aids system performance by performing full scan proactively when the computer is not in use.
Helps speed up subsequent scans by populating the local cache. - First Scan after Installation
Provides the option to automatically run low priority on-demand scan 20 minutes after installation, assuring protection from the outset. - Update Rollback
Lets you revert to a previous version of protection modules and virus signature database.
Allows you to freeze updates as desired – opt for temporary rollback or delay until manually changed. - Postponed Updates
Provides the option to download from three specialized update servers: pre-release (beta users), regular release (recommended for non-critical systems) and postponed release (recommended for company-critical systems – approximately 12 hours after regular release). - Local Update Server
Saves company bandwidth by downloading updates only once, to a local mirror server.
Mobile workforce updates directly from ESET Update Server when the local mirror is not available. Secured (HTTPS) communication channel is supported.
- RIP & Replace
Other security software is detected and uninstalled during installation of ESET Endpoint solutions. Supports both 32 and 64-bit systems. - Customizable GUI Visibility
Visibility of Graphical User Interface (GUI) to end user can be set to: Full, Minimal, Manual or Silent. Presence of ESET solution can be made completely invisible to end user, including no tray icon or notification windows.
By hiding the GUI completely, the “egui.exe” process does not run at all, resulting in even lower system resource consumption by the ESET solution. - ESET License Administrator
Makes it possible to handle all licenses transparently, from one place via web browser. You can merge, delegate and manage all licenses centrally in real-time, even if you are not using ESET Remote Administrator. - Touchscreen Support
Supports touch screens and high-resolution displays.
More padding for and complete rearrangement of GUI elements.
Basic frequently used actions accessible from tray menu. - Low System Demands
Delivers proven protection while leaving more system resources for programs that end users regularly run.
Can be deployed on older machines without the need for an upgrade, thereby extending hardware lifetime.
Conserves battery life for laptops that are away from the office, using battery mode. - Right-to-Left Language Support
Native right-to-left language support (e.g. for Arabic) for optimum usability. - Remote Management
ESET Endpoint solutions are fully manageable via ESET Remote Administrator.
Deploy, run tasks, set up policies, collect logs, and get notifications and an overall security overview of your network – all via a single web-based management console.
System Requirements:
Hardware requirements:
Minimum hardware requirements to be met before the installation process to run ESET Endpoint Antivirus for Linux properly:
- processor Intel/AMD x64
- 700MB of free hard disk space
Software requirements
The following operating systems of 64-bit architecture are officially supported and tested:
- Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS 64-bit
- Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8 with supported desktop environment installed.
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15
Supported display servers:
- X11
- Wayland
Supported desktop environments:
- GNOME 3.28.2 and later
The user interface and command list in the Terminal window are available in the following languages:
- English
- German
- Spanish
- Spanish Latin America
- French
- Polish
- Japanese
If the host OS uses an unsupported language, English is used by default.
Pricing Notes:
- Pricing and product availability subject to change without notice.