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ESET Remote Workforce Offer
Bundled Solutions

ESET Remote Workforce Offer

Advanced ransomware & business data protection

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ESET Remote Workforce Offer

Improved ransomware and zero-day attacks protection managed from a cloud-based console, combined with a powerful solution protecting business data.

  • Improved ransomware protection and zero-day attacks solution with cloud sandboxing
  • Cloud management - visibility of the network, convenience, lower total cost of ownership
  • Advanced technology - machine learning, deep behavioral inspection & ransomware shield

What's included in the bundled solution:

Endpoint security

ESET’s endpoint protection solutions leverage multilayered technologies in dynamic equilibrium to constantly balance performance, detection and false positives.

Full disk encryption

ESET Full Disk Encryption provides powerful encryption managed natively by ESET remote management consoles, and increases your organization’s data security to meet regulations.

Cloud-based sandbox analysis

ESET Dynamic Threat Defense is a cloud-based sandboxing solution. It evaluates behavior of all submitted samples with threat intelligence feeds, ESET’s multiple internal tools for static and dynamic analysis, and data to detect zero-day threats.

File server security

Provides advanced protection to all network file storage, general servers and multi-purpose servers. Ensures servers are stable and conflict-free. Limits restarts and maintenance windows to a minimum to guarantee business continuity.

Get in touch with a ESET Solutions Specialist today to Learn More!