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System update headaches? ESET is the cure

July 10, 2018 By BlueAlly


July 10, 2018

On average, people have more than 50 software applications on their Windows computers. Combine this with your mobile device apps and alternative operating systems, and you could end up spending all of your time updating applications or fixing update issues.

How to handle the headaches associated with keeping your devices up to date? Let ESET handle them, like an antivirus version of aspirin.

ESET has implemented a new update feature in our Windows home products to improve threat detection and response speed to emerging threats. These new “frequent updates” are already being used in the latest version of ESET internet security and antivirus for Windows products.

What do people expect from updates?

Most antivirus and antimalware products provide semi-frequent updates but at longer intervals. This not only creates a larger exposure window to new threats, but also results in larger files that burden system resources. The conventional approach has created update headaches that include:

  • An intrusive process
  • Constant notifications
  • Errors and out-of-date products

The new ESET updates feature provides:

  • A seamless update experience
  • No update slowdowns or interruptions
  • Timely updates

Take an update and call me in the morning

One of the leading mistakes in basic cybersecurity is ignoring software updates. Keeping software up to date addresses security and performance issues, as well as introducing any new or improved features.

All reputable antivirus vendors offer updates on a limited basis throughout each day, typically once an hour. However, it is each vendor’s responsibility to ensure that computers are receiving updates as soon as new protection is needed.

ESET continues to lead the way in proactive antivirus and malware protection, by offering seamless and unobtrusive product and detection updates as frequently as every 10 minutes.

Faster updates = preventative medicine

Early in 2018, Microsoft identified a compatibility issue with Windows security updates that conflicted with most antivirus software products, causing a blue screen error (BSOD). The security updates to fix this issue were only offered to antivirus software vendors who had confirmed that their software was compatible with the fix. ESET was able to leverage our update framework to send the fix through the antivirus and antispyware scanner module to be one of the first antivirus vendors to support the patches on the very same day.

ESET products use a modular design that allows new and updated versions, features and detection modules to be added at any time. They utilize multiple protective technologies to protect against major threats such as WannaCryptor at the network level, fileless malware such as Sirefef, and all those headache-inducing shortcut hijackers that force web browsers to open to malicious websites (such as VBS/Agent).

The new update feature, combined with core ESET technologies, ensures that ESET customers are always using the latest version of their ESET product with the most up-to-date detections, which improves protection and reduces update headaches.

The update notifications are disabled by default to spare you from constant notifications. Faster and smaller updates mean there is no need to notify you after each update. And at just hundreds of bytes per update, ESET can send new updates every 10 minutes.


Figure 1: This is a notification you don’t need to see by default.

Total protection and healthy updates

The ESET frequent updates are the result of our new update framework and core technologies. Three primary methods enable ESET to deliver updates when they are needed most:

  • Antivirus databases: These contain threat descriptions and methods used to fight them.
  • Modules: These expand existing functions and add new capabilities to help prevent and remove vulnerabilities.
  • New product versions: These result in a change in product version number when major changes to the product user interface or core technologies are required.

The ESET update framework checks for new components, including product modules and Detection Engine updates, every 10 minutes, 24/7/365. Along with our other multilayered technologies (such as DNA detection, behavioral detection and blocking and machine learning), the updates help to ensure that you are protected against the latest threats.

With our seamless update experience, you might forget you have ESET installed, but be assured that ESET will keep your computer clean and your head clear.